Notice Writing Class 12 | Class 12th English Writing skills

Notice अधिकतर समाचार –पत्रों में प्रकाशित किये जाते हैं या institutions के notice boards पर लगाये जाते हैं । इनमें जो Message देना होता है उसे कम-सेकम शब्‍दों में देने का प्रयत्‍न किया जाता है । इनका उपयोग विभिन्‍न प्रकार की सूचनाएँ देने के लिए होता है । नीचे हम मुख्‍य categories के एक-एक उदाहरण दे रहे हैं । इन्‍हें आधार मानकर आपको message के अनुरूप notice लिखने का प्रयत्‍न करना है ।

Notice- Personal के अंतर्गत आने वाले change of Name और Last and Found को छोड़कर सभी अन्‍य प्रकार के Notices समाचार-पत्रों में advertisements के बतौर छापे जाते हैं तथा उनके लिए निर्धारित शुल्‍क देना होता है ।

Ques. 1 You are Aishwarya Patel, student of Class XII A of Govt. H.S.School, Dhar. You have found a tiffin-box in the school playground. Prepare a notice for school noticeboard. Put the notice in a box.

Ans. Your design might look somewhat like this:

Ques. 2 You are secretary of the cultural activities of your school. Write an attractive notice giving information about the selection of two participants from your school to take part in the inter-school debate competition.

Ans. Your design might look somewhat like this:

Ques. 3 K. C. Verma, Senior English teacher of Govt. H.S.S., Ratlam invites applications from students of XII class, who want to take part in debate to be held at Delhi. March 15 is the last date for the applications to reach the undersigned. In this connection put up a notice on notice-board of school. Write this notice in about 40 words, imagining that you are K.C. Verma.


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Ques. 4 Prepare a notice to Drivers of two- wheelers to wear helmet from Madhya Pradesh Polic, Indore.


Ques. 5 Prepare a notice regarding NSS Camp informing students of New Era H.S. School, Ratlam.


Ques. 6 your are Ankit Gautam. You have found a school bag in the playground of your school. Prepare a “lost and found” notice.
