Class 12th English writing
Q. 1 You are S.Rajan of Barwani. You want to let your flat. Write out an advertisement to be published in classified column of a newspaper.
A Three Bedroom Flat in Dwarka is available on rent. A drawing-cum-dining room, balconies on either side. Separate bathroom and large kitchen with car parking facilities, round the clock water and electricity supply. Rent expected Rs. 15,000 p.m. Only Bank officers/Central Govt./ Gazetted Officers need. Nearest Metro Station is just 500 meters away. Contact Mr. R.K. Verma on 27589022, in between 4.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. on Sunday.
Q. 2 You are Ankit Gupta. You have found a school bag in your school compound. Prepare a ‘Lost and Found’ notice.
Lost black school bag in DTC bus (route no. 320) while traveling between Lucknow Road and Red Fort. Besides cash, it contains some very important bills and receipts. Finder will e suitably rewarded. Please contact: Ankit Gupta B-67, Lucknow Road, New Delhi or Phone 27618456
Q. 3 You are Alok Khare. The secretary of the cultural activities of your school. Draft a notice giving information about the selection of two participants from your school to take part in the inter-school debate competition.
School, Bhopal
Debate Competition in Delhi
Date: 9 March, 20…
Application are invited form the student of class XII who want to participate in the English debate competition to be held in Indira Gandhi Memorial Govt. Higher Secondary School, Raipur. Those who are interested can send their application to the undersigned on or before 15 March 20…so that proper selection can be made.
K.C. Verma
Senior English Teacher
Q. 4 Prepare a poster on ‘Say no to Drugs.

Q. 4 Design an attractive and instructive poster of the Delhi Police to educate and warn the people against-unclaimed articles like dolls, tiffin boxes, suitcases, bags, transistors, mobiles lying in public places/trains/buses.
If you are alert you can Avert A Bomb Blast Dial 100 Help Delhi Police It will help you. |
Q.5 Your father has been transferred to another city. You want to sell certain household goods. Design a suitable advertisement to be published in local newspaper.
Available for sale certain household goods in Samachar Apartment, Raipur. Interested Parties may contact Mukesh of Moti Nagar, Raipur, or call 22289211 in between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Q.6 You are Aishwarya Patel, student of class XII of Govt.HSS, Dewas. You have found a bag in the school playground. Prepare a notice for the school notice board.
You have lost your bag carrying your documents in a bus. Draft an advertisement to get it back in not more than 50 words.
Found last Monday a black VIP briefcase while traveling to Delhi by the A.P. Express. It will be handed over to the rightful owner after ascertaining the particulars, identification, and content. Please contact : A. Vashishtha, 237, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi or Phone 26572034.
Q. 7 With the help of the clues given, design a poster in a suitable box entitled ‘Don’t be Cruel to Animals’ Love them, feed them, shelter them, save animals, save the earth.

Q.8 Design an attractive poster with catchy slogans on ‘Blood Donation Camp’.
Donate Blood Save Life

(X) You are Rishi Sahni. Your father has been transferred to Delhi. You want to sell certain household goods. Draft an Advertisement in not more than 50 words.
Household goods for sale for immedial sale. A brand new onida Tv 29, washing machine, both in excellent condition.
Contact : Jiya, 13 Palasia Indore
Q. 4 (A) With the help of the following words given below produce a write up on ‘NSS Camp’
1. NSS Camp in Rampur village
2. 100 volunteers
3. Planting of trees
4. cleaning of drains
5. Adult literacy classes
N.S.S. Camp
The NSS unit of Govt. Higher Secondary School Indore organised a camp at Rampur Village during the summer holidays. The camp lasted for 10 days. Hundred volunteers were divided into four groups. The task was the planting trees, cleaning the drains and to take adult-literacy classes. They have to tell the villagers about the atmosphere and surroundings in which they live. Streets and drains were cleaned. The villagers participated in the compaign. The villagers were told about the danger of degradation and pollution of the environment. Everyone did their best. The adults took part in literacy classes. The camp was successfully completed.
(B) Produce a write up on Value of Games.
1. Necessary for life
2. Removes monotony
3. Make our body healthy
4. Learning good habits
5. Develop quality and brotherhood
The Value of Games
Games and sports are an essential part of our life. They develop the strength of the body and the mind. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. The games remove the dullness and onotony of life. They make our body strong and also make us fresh and happy Games teach us many good habits. They develop a team spirit and unity among the players. It strengthen the bond of brotherhood and also teaches us to take victory and defeat equally.
(c) You have witnessed an accident. Write a report for a newspaper in 100 words about the accident using the following details; Where, when and how did the accident happen, people, vehicle involved, loss of life and property. The scene of accident, details of casualties-deaths, injured, hospitalized.
Ans. Indore (Newspaper Report): Yesterday night, the dangerous accident had happened between a car and a bike on Ring Road. There were two men, a lady and a child in the car. In accident, the bike damaged badly and the bike rider injured. The people who were stood there came and gathered on accident point. They quickly took the injured person in a nearest hospital and admitted him. One of them call his parents. Since he was not injured badly, so the doctors gave him primary treatment and sent him his home. The injured person thanked the people for their great co-operation.
(D) You are Kunal, as a responsible citizen you have organized a campaign on ‘Say NO to Polythene Bags’ in your locality. Write a report using the following inputs.
(i) campaign in our locality
(ii) disastrous effects of polythene
(iii) chokes the sewage system
(iv) to make public aware of its harm
(v) to make locality polythene free
The Manav seva samiti of Ashoka vihar organised a compaign to create awareness about the bad effect of polythene bage. The campagn was named ‘Say No Go Polythene Bags’ people were told how the use of polythene bags polluted the environment. These bags could choke the sewers. They could spoil the fertility of soil. Many of the people promised never to use polythene bags in future.
(E) Last Monday you went to the hospital to see your friend who was admitted there. Using the following input produce a small write up on ‘A visit to a hospital’.
(i) registration counter
(ii) people in front of doctors room
(iii) surgical ward
(iv) nurses attending
(v) medical ward-patients lying on their beds
A visit to Hospital
Last week I visited a hospital near my house to see my relatives who was admitted in the hospital due to sickness. It seemed like a really small hospital but when I entered it was so clean & on registration doctor’s room was short but doctor checked everyone patient properly. I could not see surgical word but patient word ward neat & clean and nurses were taking care of patients effectively.