Report Writing for Class 12th Board Exam 2023


1. Prepare a Report on “Environment Day Celebration” in your school in about 100 words.


‘Environment Day Celebration’

The ‘Environment Club’ of School for Excellence, Northern Bhopal, celebrated ‘Environment Day’ on 5th November, 20… in the school premises. The programme was inaugurated by Hemvati Nandan Sachchar, the eminent environmentalist, and presided over by our Principal. The function began with a special Vandana prepared by the school choir group.

Many cultural programmes were prepared by the Cultural Group of the school that included a very interesting play on the theme ‘Mother Earth which was highly applauded by all. An essay writing and poster making competition also took place. After distributing the prizes, the Chief Guest gave a speech in which he highlighted the need for conservation. Finally, the day concluded after a tree plantation drive. It was a huge success.

2. Prepare a report on ‘No Tobacco Day Celebration’ in about 100 words.


No Tobacco Day Celebration’

The ‘Health Club’ of International Public School, Bhopal celebrated “No Tobacco Day’ on 4.09.20… in the school premises. The programme was inaugurated by the Health Minister of state and presided by the Principal.
Many cultural programmes were prepared by the Cultural Group of the School that included a very interesting dance drama on the theme “Tobacco kills’ which was highly applauded by all.

An essay writing and poster making competition also took place After distributing the prizes, the chief guest delivered a speech in which he highlighted the problems faced by people who consume tobacco,

Finally, the day concluded after declaring the area a no-tobacco zone It was a huge success.

3. Last week on your way to school, you witnessed an incident of chain snatching near your school. A couple of senior students of your school chased the snatcher, caught him and handed him over to the police. Write a report on this daring act in about 100 words for your school magazine.

Ans. Indore

‘Bravery Knows No Age’


Last week on my way to school I witnessed an incident of chain snatching near the school gate. A young man on a bike robbed a woman of her gold chain while she was walking with her daughter around 7:45 AM to drop her to school.

Her daughter is a student of class IV of our school. The young woman immediately raised an alarm which caught the attention of some senior students of our school. These brave students of class XII chased the snatcher, caught hold of him and finally handed him over to the police.

The daring act of these five boys won the appreciation of the police, our principal and teachers who applauded their act of courage. Our school authorities have decided to honour them with certificates in appreciation of their brave act.

4. You are Randhir/Radha, Hindustan Times who witnessed a fire accident in Central Market, Bhopal. Using the information in the output, given below along with your own details, write a report in about 200 words on ‘A Devastating Fire’ for your newspaper.

Central Market-A sensitive zone godowns, shops and stores- plastic goods-short circuit-whole area engulfed by flames, people pouring water buckets-fire brigade, reached late-struggled through narrow lanes. Firemen real heroes-no loss of human life-loss of property in crores.


A Devastating Fire

Last Monday, on 7th June, 20…., a huge devastating fire broke out in the Central Market of Bhopal. I was at myhouse and having dinner with my family when I heard loud cries and shouts. I looked out of my balcony and to my horror, the whole area was on fire. It is a sensitive zone with many godowns, shops and stores of plastics goods. this could be because of a short circuit. Within minutes, the flames began to engulf the whole area. Out of sheer panic, people started pouring water from buckets. The high surface winds were the other reason for spreading the fire quickly. Soon the fire brigade arrived. They were a little late as they had to struggle through the narrow lanes of dense Central Market. The rescue operation began. It took nearly 4 hours to put out the fire. Firemen came out to be real heroes. There was no loss of human life, though people suffered a massive loss of property.

Police investigations are on to ascertain the cause of this blaze.