Exercises of Narration & Practice with Explanation | Correct the Sentence

  1. He demanded me why I had insulted his brother.

Ans. यहां Reporting Clause में प्रयुक्‍त हुयी Reporting Verb, Demanded है । जबकि इसके बाद of Preposition का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिये होता है । यह प्रश्‍न Correct the Sentences के अंतर्गत पूछे जाते हैं । इस तरह सही उत्तर निम्‍न होगा ।

He demanded of me why I had insulted his brother.

  1. He said that the sun give us light and kept us warm.

Ans. इस वाक्‍य में Reported Verb give की जगह gives और kept की जगह keeps होगा । क्‍योंकि Sentence Universal truth है और Present Indefinite Tense का Use किया गया है । अर्थ की दृष्टि से भी और ग्रामर की दृष्टि से भी question में give एवं kept होने से अर्थ नहीं निकल पा रहा था । चूंकि the Sun third person Singular Number है और नियम के अनुसार ऐसे Subject के साथ आने वाली Verb की first form में s या es लगता है । साथ ही इसी Subject के साथ kept होने से वाक्‍य Past Indefinite Tense में हो रहा था जबकि वह भी Present Indefinite Tense में होता है ।

  1. He exclaimed with joy that she sings very sweetly.

Ans. यहां Reporting Verb Past Tense में है इसलिये Reported Verb भी Past Tense में होगी । इस तरह sings की जगह sang हो जायेगा ।

He exclaimed with joy that she sang very sweetly.

  1. Sanjay proposed Rohit that they should go out for a walk.

Ans. इस Sentence में Reporting verb अकेली Proposed ना होकर Proposed to होती है अर्थात् Proposed के पश्‍चात् to Preposition का प्रयोग किया जाता है । इस तरह से Correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

Sanjay proposed to Rohit that they should go out for a walk.

  1. He told to me that he had written a letter to his friend the previous day.

Ans. यहां पर told me होना चाहिये ना‍ कि told to me क्‍योंकि जब Direct Narration में Sentence रहा था तो वह ही He said to me, Reporting part था इसमें said to स्‍वयं ही told में change होता है । इस तरह Correct of Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

He told me that he had written a letter to his friend the previous day.

  1. I told him that these problems should be solved.

Ans. जब Direct Narration से Indirect Narration में Sentence को बदले होंगे तब नियम और इसकी टेबल के अनुसार these का those हो जाता है । अत: सही Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

I told him that those problems should be solved.

  1. The master order the servant to leave the room and forbade him not to show him his face again.

Ans. यहां Sentence को देखने से स्‍पष्‍ट है कि order की जगह ordered होना चाहिये क्‍योंकि Reporting Clause Past Tense में रहा होगा तभी तो Reported verb forbid की second form forbade use हुयी है अत: correct sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

The master ordered the servant to leave the room and forbade him not to show him his face again.

  1. Addressing the audience, the chairman told him that they had to think over the problem seriously.

Ans. Sentence से स्‍पष्‍ट है कि audience हमेशा Plural Subject के रूप में होती है इसलिये chairman told him ना होकर chairman told them होगा । इस तरह Correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

Addressing the audience, the chairman told them that they had to think over the problem seriously.

  1. He said he was senior to me in age.

Ans. यहां हिन्‍दी का अर्थ निकालने से भी और Direct से Indirect Narration में बदलते समय भी जब Reporting और Reported Clause के मध्‍य comma अलग होता है तो that conjunction का प्रयोग होता है । जिसका हिन्‍दी में अर्थ “कि” निकलता है तभी Sentence का अर्थ सरल, स्‍पष्‍ट और पूर्ण हो निकल पाता है । इस तरह correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

He said that he was senior to me in age.

  1. The captain applauded him and said that he has done well.

Ans. जब Direct से Indirect Narration में Sentence बना दिया गया है तब Reporting Clause चूंकि Past Tense में है तो फिर reported clause भी Past Tense में ही होगा । इस तरह has, had में बदलने के बाद Reported Clause, Past Perfect Tense में हो गया होता है । इस तरह Correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

The captain applauded him and said that he had done well.

  1. You said that tomorrow was a holiday.

Ans. जब Direct से Indirect Narration में Sentence लिखे जाते हैं तब Tomorrow का the next day नियम और नियम की टेबल के अनुसार हो जाता है । तब Correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

You said that the next day was a holiday.

  1. She asked me that when the train left.

Ans. जब Direct से Indirect Narration बनाया जाता है तब Reported भाग में Interrogative Sentence होता है तब Reporting verb, asked में एवं Reporting और Reported Part के बीच में Connector का उपयोग that ना होकर WH – word का प्रयोग होता है । इस तरह Correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

She asked me when the train left.

  1. I asked him why was he working so hard.

Ans. यहां पर him, object जो कि Reporting clause में प्रयुक्‍त हुआ है । उसके अनुसार Reported clause में why के बाद he Nominative Case के रूप में प्रयुक्‍त होगा । तत्‍पश्‍चात् he के बाद was, helping verb नियमानुसार आयेगी इस तरह correct sentence पूर्ण होगा ।

I asked him why he was working so hard.

  1. I ordered my servant to polish his shoes.

Ans. यहां पर जब Nominative Case, I का प्रयोग, Reporting Clause में उपयोग होने के कारण Reported Clause में भी his की जगह my, जो कि Possessive Case में होता है, आयेगा । इस तरह अर्थ की दृष्टि से भी Correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

I ordered my servant to polish my shoes.

  1. I advised him to work sincerely if you wanted to succeed.

Ans. यहां पर सलाह him को दी गयी है और वह अपनी जगह पर Reporting Object है और इसके अनुसार Reported Subject you ना होकर he होगा । यह Direct Narration से Indirect Narration बनाते समय नियमों में भी बहुत अच्‍छी तरह से पढ़कर समझ सकते हैं । इसके लिये Narration से संबंधित लिंक दे दिया गया है । अत: Correct Sentence निम्‍न है ।

I advised him to work sincerely if he wanted to succeed.

  1. I requested him that help me.

Ans. जब Reporting Clause के बाद comma हो और Reported Clause, Verb के first form से प्रारंभ हो अर्थात् Sentence, Imperative Sentence हो तब to + verb का first form का प्रयोग या infinitive का प्रयोग ही किया जाता है वहां that conjunction नहीं लाया जाता है । इस तरह correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

I requested him to help me.

  1. The teacher warned me that he would turn me out if come late again.

Ans. चूंकि Direct Narration से Indirect Narration बनाते समय Reporting Clause, Past Tense में यदि हो तो Reported Clause भी Past Tense में ही अपनी उपस्थिति सामान्‍यत: दर्ज कराता है । सिर्फ Universal Truth, quotation, statement, events of history से रिलेटेड डेट, session को छोड़कर । इस तरह if come के स्‍थान पर if came हो जायेगा । तब correct sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

The teacher warned me that he would turn me out if I came late again?

  1. He wished that you might win a prize.

Ans. यहां पर Reporting Subject ही ने wish किया है तो निश्‍चित ही सामने वाले से कह रहा होगा । यह understood है । और सामने वाला जब Reporting Clause में यदि me होता और वह object की भूमिका भी निभाता । ऐसी स्थिति में वह understood object जब अपने शब्‍दों में किसी के अर्थात् he के wish को बतायेगा तो स्‍वयं अपने आप को अंग्रेजी sentence में reported clause के subject के रूप में I कहकर represent करेगा । तब correct sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

He wished that I might win a prize.

  1. The teacher warned us to not sleep late and miss the train.

Ans. य‍हां पर to not sleep नहीं होता है बल्कि not to sleep होता है । अतएव correct sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

The teacher warned us not to sleep late and miss the train.

  1. He said that God was everywhere.

Ans. जब Reported Clause के अंदर का sentence, Universal Truth या शाश्‍वत सत्‍य हो तो सदैव बात Present में ही की जाती है । इसी बात को ध्‍यान में रखते हुये नियम भी बनाये गये हैं । अर्थात् was की जगह is का प्रयोग होगा । समझने के लिये हम यही कहते है कि भगवान सभी जगह हैं । आप स्‍वयं सोच के देखिये ना कभी ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता कि भगवान सभी जगह थे । इसका मतलब यह हुआ कि अब कहीं पर भी भगवान नहीं हैं । इसलिये correct sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

He said that God is everywhere.

  1. He exclaimed with applause that I have stood first.

Ans. जब Indirect Narration का Reporting Part, Past Tense है तो विशेष नियमों को छोड़कर बात की जाये तो Reported Part भी Past Tense में ही होता है अर्थात् have की जगह had हो जायेगा । इस तरह correct sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

He exclaimed with applause that I had stood first.

  1. He greeted me and asked where was I going.

Ans. जब Direct से Indirect Narration में sentence बनाये जाते हैं तो Direct Narration के Reported भाग में interrogative question दिखता है । Interrogative sentence में WH question word भी दिखायी पड़ता है ऐसी स्थिति में Indirect Narration बनाते समय Reporting और Reported भागों के मध्‍य WH-word स्‍वयं ही conjunction का कार्य करता है और तत्‍पश्‍चात् Reported Clause का sentence साधारण वाक्‍य (S+V+O) बना दिया जाता है । इस तरह से correct sentence निम्न होगा ।

He greeted me and asked where I was going.

  1. They said that he used to help us in need.

Ans. Third Person Plural Number subject, Reporting Clause में जब आता है तो Indirect Narration या Speech में उसके अनुसार ही उसका Objective Case होता है । वाक्‍य के Translation के अनुसार भी यह नियम सत्य होता है । अर्थात् sentence में us ना आकर them, use होगा । इस तरह Correct Sentence निम्‍न होगा ।

They said that he used to help them in need.

  1. He told me that he had never seen such a lazy boy as I am.

Ans. Reporting Verb Past Tense में होने पर Reported Clause की Verb भी Past Tense में होना चाहिये । हिन्‍दी का अर्थ भी निकालते समय वाक्‍य सुन्‍दर, सरल और स्‍पष्‍ट प्रतीत होता है । अर्थात् am की जगह was, use होगा । तब correct Sentence निम्‍न है ।

He told me that he had never seen such a lazy boy as I was.

  1. He enquired us whether we were going away that day.

Ans. Enquired के बाद हमेशा of Preposition का उपयोग होता है तभी अर्थ स्‍पष्‍ट रूप से निकलता है तब correct Sentence निम्‍न होता है ।

He enquired of us whether we were going away that day.

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Types of Verb 

Subject and Predicate 
