Do as Directed Class 12 English 2023-24

Do as Directed-

1. He …….. ( break ) his leg while he was playing hockey . ( Fill in the correct form of the verb )

Ans . 1. Broke

2. We ( live ) here since 1952 . ( Supply the correct verb form )

Ans 2. Have been living

3. She puts the book in the box yesterday . ( Correct the sentence )

Ans 3. Put

 4. Our neighbours ( live ) here for 5 years . ( Rewrite the sentence using correct Verb )

Ans 4. Have been living

 5. They ( watch ) television since morning . ( Supply the correct tense of the verb in the bracket )

Ans 5. Have been watching

 6. His brother ( catch ) fish . ( Rewrite into Present Indefinite )

Ans 6. Catches

 7. Cotton is in Egypt . ( growing / grow / grown )

Ans 7. Grown

 8. He ( played ) cricket there . ( Present Continuous )

Ans 8. Is playing

9. The child cried for milk . ( Past Continuous )

Ans 9. Was crying

10. She ( watch ) movie for two hours .  ( Supply the correct form of the verb )

Ans 10. Has been watching

11. Her father teaches her Hindi . ( Change into Past Simple Tense )

Ans 11. Taught

12 . Raju / write / can / hand / with / either . ( Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence )

 Ans 12. Raju can write with either hand

Transformation of Sentences (Do as Directed)

1. We did it .  ( Change into negative )

Ans 1. We did not do it .

 2. He does his duty .  ( Change into negative )

Ans 2. He does not do his duty .

3. We saw a good movie yesterday . ( Change into negative )

Ans 3. We did not see a good movie yesterday .

4. He teaches Hindi . ( Change into negative )

Ans 4. He does not teach Hindi .

 5. Suraj shut the door . ( Change into negative )

  Ans 5. Suraj did not shut the door .

6. Your brother broke the chair . ( Make a question with ‘ what ‘ )

Ans 6. What did your brother break ?

7. His brother sold all the gold . ( Make a question with ‘ How much ‘ )

Ans 7 . How much gold did his brother sell ?

8. The servant gave you all the milk . ( Make a question with ‘ How much ‘ )

Ans 8. How much milk did the servant give you ?

9. We saw a very good film yesterday . ( Change into negative )

Ans 9. We did not see a very good film yesterday .

10. When do you arrive in school ? ( Answer the question )

Ans 10. I arrive in school at 10-30 a . m .

11. Since when have you been catching fish ? ( Answer the question )

Ans 11. I have been catching fish since morning .

 12. We pray in the evening . ( Make emphatic )

Ans 12. We do pray in the evening .

13. Rashmi cried for water .  ( Change into Present Indefinite )

Ans 13. Rashmi cries for water .

14. Our teacher never comes late . ( Change into negative )

Ans 14. Our teacher does not come late .

15. He says , “ He has completed his home work . “ ( Change the narration )

Ans 15. He says that he has completed his home work .

16. If you do not do hard work you will fail . ( Rewrite using ‘ Unless ‘ )

  Ans 16. Unless you work hard , you will fail .

Degrees of Comparison

 Do as Directed

1. Indore is not as big as Mumbai . ( Rewrite using Comparative degree )

 Ans 1. Mumbai is bigger than Indore . 

2. The Himalaya is the highest mountain of the world . ( Change into Positive degree

 Ans 2. No other mountain in the world is as high as the Himalaya .

 3. Lead is heavier than any other metal . ( Change into Positive degree )

 Ans 3. No other metal is as heavy as lead .

4. Very few games are so popular as cricket . ( Superlative degree )

 Ans 4. Cricket is the most popular game .

5. The elder sister is not so clever as the younger one . ( Comparative degree )

 Ans 5. The younger sister is cleverer than the.

6. Iron is more useful than any other metal . ( Superlative degree )

 Ans 6. Iron is the most useful metal .

Compound and Complex Sentences

Do as Directed

 1. She can’t afford it .

 She buys a car . ( Combine the sentences using non – finite clause )

 2. You must work hard .

 You wont get  jobs . ( Combine with ‘ or ‘ ) .

3 . I called him loudly .

He gave me no answer . ( Combine using ‘ but ‘ )

4. Sita does not sing .

She does not dance . (  Combine using ‘ neither.. nor ‘ )

5. There is nothing good or evil .

It is our thinking which makes it so . ( Combine with ‘ and ‘ or ‘ but ‘ )

6. Sunil speaks English well .

His friend speaks English well . ( Combine with Both … and ‘ )

7 . These students come to school in time .

They do their homework regularly .  ( Combine with not only … but also ‘ )

8. She did not wash clothes .

 She did not clean the floor . ( Combine with ‘ nor ‘ )

9 . We will go there by bus .

 We will go there by train . ( Combine using either … or “ )

10. We take a taxi .

 We miss the meeting .( Combine using either … or )

11. His friend was not allowed to see him .

His brother was not allowed to see him ( Combine using ‘ neither … nor ‘ )

12. He did not work hard .

He failed in the examination . ( Combine using therefore “ )

13. You may offer Sanskrit .

You may offer Marathi .( Combine using ‘ or “ )

14. She is a singer .

 She is a dancer . ( Combine with ‘ not only … but also “ )


1 . She can’t afford buying a car .

2. You must work hard or you won’t get good jobs .

3. I called him loudly but he gave me no answer .

4. Sita neither sings nor dances .

5. There is nothing good or evil but our thinking makes it so .

6. Both Sunil and his friend speak English well .

7 . These students not only come to school in time , but also do their home work regularly .

8. She did not wash clothes nor did she clean the floor .

9. We will go there either by bus or by train .

10. Either we take a taxi or we miss the meeting .

11. Neither his friend nor his brother was allowed to see him .

12. He did not work hard , therefore he failed in the examination

13. You may offer Sanskrit or Marathi .

14. She is not only a singer , but also a dancer .

Do as Directed

 1 . the / is / Himalaya / highest / the world / mountain / of the . ( Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence )

2. If Ram does not act now , he will lose everything . ( Rewrite using unless )

3. If they do not work properly , they will be punished . ( Rewrite using ‘ Unless ‘ in place of ‘If’)

4. As soon as the boys saw the Principal , they became silent . ( Rewrite using ‘ No sooner …. Than ‘ )

5. In / this / book / are / there / pages / how / many / ? ( Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence )

6. He is so weak that he cannot work any more . ( Rewrite using ‘ too … to ‘ )

7. He saves money so that he may buy a car . ( Rewrite using a non – finite clause )

8. He is too poor to pay his fees . ( Change into Complex )

9. He was very weak . He could not walk .  ( Use ‘ too … to ‘ )

10. her / pen / puts / ink / some / she / in .  ( Rearrange the words to make a sentence )

11. He is so weak that he cannot walk .( Rewrite using too … to)

Ans .

1. The Himalaya is the highest mountain of the world

2 .Unless Ram acts now he will lose everything

3 . Unless they work properly , they will be punished .

4 . No sooner did the boys see the Principal than they became  silent .

5 . How many pages are there In this book ?

6 . He is too weak to work any more

7 . He saves money to buy a car .

8 .  He is so poor that he cannot pay his fee .

9. He was too weak to walk .

10. She puts some ink in her pen .

11. He was too weak to walk .

Do as directed ( Change into indirect speech ) –

1. Neha said , “ I want to open this bag . “

 2. She says , “ I am ill . “

3. Mary said , “ I will study . “

4. Ram said , “ My exam is difficult . “

5. Father said , “ Don’t be late . “

6. Mother said , “ I need your help . “

7. She said , “ I am waiting for my friend . “

8. They said , “ We have taken exercise .

 Ans .

1. Neha said that she wanted to open that bag .

2. She says that she is ill .

3. Mary said that she would study .

4. Ram said that his exam was difficult .

5. Father said not to be late .

6. Mother said that she needed my help .

7. She said that she was waiting for her friend .

8. They said that they had taken exercise .